
Opinion   Singapore expert- China和apos;s modernization offers insights for many d...

In a recent interview with China Youth Daily, Dr Koh Chin Yee, President of South Seas Society, Singapore and Managing Director of the social media platform "Singapore Eye" recently said that China's remarkable progress in technology, livelihoods, education, quality of life, and ecological protection in recent years has been truly impressive.

Opinion   Singapore expert- China和apos;s modernization offers insights for many d...

According to Koh, the tremendous success of Chinese modernization can be attributed to three key factors: the vision and leadership of the country's top decision-makers; the determination and sense of honor exhibited by enterprises and scientists; and the unwavering will and diligent efforts of the Chinese people to strive for excellence.

Dr Koh Chin Yee, President of South Seas Society, Singapore and Managing Director of the social media platform "Singapore Eye". Photo by Interviewee

Koh believes that China's modernization path provides a valuable model for many developing countries. He elaborated that developing countries must prioritize national and social unity and stability as the foundation for prosperity. They should establish forward-looking and practical overall plans and ensure that these plans evolve with the times.

"Emphasis must be placed on developing science and technology, improving education and training, promoting high-quality industrial production and services, and comprehensively enhancing economic, technological, and overall national strength. Moreover, sustainable development should remain a priority, promoting harmonious coexistence between human and nature." Koh stated. (By Zhao Anqi and Ma Ziqian/China Youth Daily)


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